來自新加坡中英混血的喬毓明,雖然還無法用中文寫日記,不過她仍以英文一字一句認真紀錄她回新加坡過年的美食日記和大家分享喔!(每篇日記底下都有小編的貼心解說) Although I loved getting taken to all the night markets in Taiwan for yummy local food, after 3 months I was very excited to go home and reconnect wit h all the delicious Singapore food that I had missed so much! After having many Taiwan locals show me all the amazing food Taiwan has to offer I think it's my turn to share some of my favourites with you! On my first day back I went to have my absolute favourite, Haianese Chicken Rice. The hawker stalls always serve the best in my opinion! (喬毓明雖然很熱愛台灣夜市的在地美食,但對於睽違三個月的家鄉-新加坡的美食更是念念不忘!所以這次明星日記的主題就定為『喬毓明的新加坡美食日記』,第一天跟大家分享她最愛的當地美食就是鼎鼎有名的"海南雞飯"!)


來自新加坡中英混血的喬毓明,雖然還無法用中文寫日記,不過她仍以英文一字一句認真紀錄她回新加坡過年的美食日記和大家分享喔!(每篇日記底下都有小編的貼心解說) The next morning I got up and went to get my favourite local breakfast which is Kaya toast, 2 boiled eggs covered in soy sauce and a black coffee. It is the most delicious breakfast and it's so cheap! When I was younger I would go most mornings to the local wet market with my Chinese family to eat it! It's definitely a must do when visiting Singapore! (第二篇日記喬毓明要跟大家分享的是她最喜歡的新加坡道地早餐:咖椰醬吐司、醬油淋荷包蛋配上黑咖啡。這道早餐可是喬毓明小時候回新加坡最常和家人吃的早餐喔!)


來自新加坡中英混血的喬毓明,雖然還無法用中文寫日記,不過她仍以英文一字一句認真紀錄她回新加坡過年的美食日記和大家分享喔!(每篇日記底下都有小編的貼心解說) Chinese New Year day 1! Here is a photo of me with Chinese New Year Nian Gao which Singaporeans always eat as it means 'nian nian gao sheng' which is lots of good luck! The way to eat this is you either steam it until it becomes very sticky like toffee/malt candy and melts in your mouth or you can make it into a sticky ball and cover it with coconut flakes - delicious! (大年初一那天喬毓明應景地拿著象徵「年年高昇」的年糕一起合照,配上改良式紅旗袍是不是很有年味呢?!)


來自新加坡中英混血的喬毓明,雖然還無法用中文寫日記,不過她仍以英文一字一句認真紀錄她回新加坡過年的美食日記和大家分享喔!(每篇日記底下都有小編的貼心解說) Another must try if you're visiting Singapore is our local fish ball noodles which is a local hawker centre favourite. You can have it dry or with soup. In this photo I'm having it dry, although I like both versions! (今天喬毓明和大家推薦的美食是造訪新加坡必吃的魚丸麵,看她吃得這麼眉開眼笑的,一定相當美味!)


來自新加坡中英混血的喬毓明,雖然還無法用中文寫日記,不過她仍以英文一字一句認真紀錄她回新加坡過年的美食日記和大家分享喔!(每篇日記底下都有小編的貼心解說) Nasi Lemak is very interesting dish. In mandarin its called Ye Jiang Fang. The rice is cooked in coconut juice and you normally get a chicken wing, fish, fried egg, chilli and peanuts alongside it. I think its a very interesting dish as there are so many different flavours on one plate - it never gets boring! The chilli paste adds so much flavour to the dish! (最後一篇日記了,喬毓明和大家推薦的是新加坡當地美食:椰漿飯。各式各樣的美味食材加在一起不但好吃又有趣,真讓人食指大動!不過一連吃了好幾天該是運動的時候了,喬毓明新加坡美食日記下次有緣再見囉!)


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